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Bell Fund

The Central Bucks Branch has it’s own bell fund for smaller areas of Bell maintenance that the ODG Bell Fund does not pay out for.  On this page, you can read the rules of the fund and find out about the FAQs for grants etc.

The Bell Fund was set up in memory of George Edmans, following a bequest. George was a ringer at Great Horwood and held several positions of office in the Central Bucks Branch.

The Branch committee are the stewards of the Fund and they are responsible for any donations or applications for grants. For more information, please contact the chairman, Sherri Woodland:


At the CBB AGM 2013 it was decided to maintain and revitalise the George Edmans Bell Fund (also known as the CBB Bell Fund). It is a charity but not a Registered one. The official ‘Rules’ have been circulated but this is a quick guide.

What is it for?
To provide financial assistance to Churches in the Central Bucks Branch of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the purpose of maintaining and improving their bell installations.
Financial assistance will be limited to minor works including new ropes, fittings such as pulleys, wheels, sliders and stays, repairing or replacing clappers.

And what NOT?
for major work such as bell re-hanging, augmentation or new frames

Who can apply for a grant?
Any paid up ringer from a CBB tower

And how?
Write to the CBB Secretary with full details of the work and costings including other possible sources of funding. A pro forma is available. Any claim will be acknowledged within a week

Who Decides?
The Fund Managers, who are the CBB Officers, will meet asap to decide.
When does the grant get paid?
The grant will only be paid when the work is satisfactorily completed. The offer will lapse after a year.

How is it run?
The Fund has to be an Agenda item at each CBB AGM. The accounts are maintained by the CBB Treasurer and audited with the CBB accounts. Amendments to the Rules can only be made at an AGM with the change having been circulated at least a month beforehand

How can we keep it going?
If the Fund is to thrive, not only do grants need to be made but CBB ringers need to Fundraise to keep the balance buoyant. One simple method is to ask all members to add a small donation to their annual subscription another for a collection at CBB practices… can you think of other ideas?

So if your tower has no money but has grotty ropes, sloppy sliders and clunky clappers why not work out what you need and how much it will cost and apply.
Phone or email any branch officer to discuss.

And please remember to send donations to CBB Treasurer Ailsa Knightley:


The George Edmans Bell Fund Rules

1. The fund shall he known as the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers Central Bucks Branch George Edmans Bell Fund, or the CBB Bell Fund.

2. The object of the CBB Bell Fund shall be to provide financial assistance to Churches in the Central Bucks Branch of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the purpose of maintaining and improving their bell installations.

3. The CBB Bell Fund will be set up initially by investing the bequest from the late George Edmans together with any other monies subsequently received for or donated to the CBB Bell Fund. Grants may be made at the sole discretion of the CBB Bell Fund Managers, out of all monies held by the Fund, up to a maximum in respect of each grant of £500 or such other sum as may from time to time be approved by a Central Bucks Branch Annual General Meeting, provided always that no grant shall exceed 25% of the aggregate value of the Fund at the date of grant. Financial assistance will be limited to minor works including new ropes, fittings such as pulleys, wheels, sliders and stays, repairing or replacing clappers. The CBB Bell Fund will not make grants for major work such as bell re-hanging, augmentation or new frames.

4. The membership of the CBB Bell Fund shall be Ringing Members of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers who are shown in the Guild Report as being ringers in towers of the Central Bucks Branch. The elected Trustees of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers will be ex-officio, non-voting members of the CBB Bell Fund.

5. The CBB Bell Fund Managers, who will administer the CBB Bell Fund, will be the Branch Officers elected from time to time at the Central Bucks Branch AGM. They will have day-to-day stewardship of the fund and be responsible for the investment of the capital.

6. Any member of the CBB Bell Fund may make an application for a grant to the Secretary of the Central Bucks Branch. On receipt of an application a meeting of the CBB Bell Fund Managers will be convened as soon as practicable. In considering the application the CBB Bell Fund Managers will take into account the total scope of the works and money received, likely to be received or promised from other sources such as the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers.

7. The CBB Bell Fund will be an Agenda item at each Central Bucks Branch AGM when the CBB Bell Fund Managers will report on funds available, applications received, grants authorised and grants paid. The Central Bucks Branch Treasurer shall maintain accounts for the CBB Bell Fund and prepare a Balance Sheet as at 31st December in each year and an Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on that date. The Auditor of the Central Bucks Branch will audit all CBB Bell Fund accounts. Such accounts will be presented for approval at the Branch Annual General Meeting.

8. No grant shall be paid until the work in respect of which the grant was made has been completed to the satisfaction of the CBB Bell Fund Managers. Any grant authorised by the CBB Bell Fund which is not claimed within one year of the date on which it is authorised shall lapse. A fresh application may be made.

9. Such bank accounts as may be required shall be opened in the name of the CBB Bell Fund. Cheques and other orders drawn on these accounts shall be signed by two of the CBB Bell Fund Managers

10. CBB Bell Fund Managers shall invest the capital of the CBB Bell Fund in any manner that they may think fit, authorised by law.

11. If at Branch AGM the members decide that the CBB Bell Fund should be dissolved then the CBB Bell Fund Managers shall dispose of the assets of the CBB Bell Fund (after payment of all debts and liabilities) to the satisfaction of the elected Trustees of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers.

12. No alteration or addition or deletion shall be made to these rules except at a Central Bucks Branch Annual General Meeting. Notice of any proposed alteration or addition or deletion of
these rules shall be given to the Central Bucks Branch Secretary at least one calendar month prior to the date of the Meeting.


Associated documents:

GE Bell Fund Report 2012 – Report which was carried out on the fund to find out future options.